Microsoft CSP

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Microsoft CSP

Through our longstanding relationship with Microsoft and its channel partners, Merit Mile has developed various cloud services marketing programs to support go-to-market initiatives for global distributors, resellers, hosters, VAR’s, MSP’s, and ISV’s. Using our industry experience and expertise, we can provide you with the customized marketing services and resources you need to effectively sell Microsoft Azure, Office 365, Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 and accelerate the growth of your Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) business.

Submit the form at the top of the page to review a variety of creative samples, key messaging strategies and tactics for prospecting, demand generation, and onboarding new Microsoft CSP partners and customers.

CSP Indirect Provider or Cloud Distributor

As a Microsoft CSP Indirect Provider, do you have an effective partner recruitment strategy? Are you articulating the value of the vast opportunities that are available to cloud resellers? Are you clear about how you can support potential partners grow their cloud businesses through the Microsoft CSP program?

We can help you –

  • Strategically define your CSP distribution offering and key differentiators.
  • Design best-in-class partner readiness portals, tools, and resources.
  • Create demand with partner recruitment programs using tested and proven tactics.
Microsoft CSP

CSP Direct Provider or Indirect Reseller

As a Microsoft CSP direct provider or indirect reseller, do you have a reliable demand generation strategy? Is your cloud value message clear and resonating with potential customers? Is your cloud business growing and are you profitable?

We can help you –

  • Clearly articulate your cloud value proposition and differentiate your offerings.
  • Drive demand with insightful lead generation and content marketing strategies.
  • Close more deals with tools and sales techniques that help control the customer conversation.
Microsoft CSP

Please submit the form at the top of the page to download Merit Mile's key strategies and tactics to Grow Your Microsoft CSP Business presentation now.

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Learn more about our technology marketing expertise at

and our experience in marketing for Microsoft Services Provider Licensing Agreement (also known as Microsoft SPLA) resellers and service providers at